1Personal information
- Age:29
- Country:UAE
- City:Dubai
- Marital status:Single
- Children (number): No
- Race/Ethnicity:Caucasian
- Did you grow up in a religious family?Yes
- Are you ready to date a man with a different religion?Yes
- Politically you are?:
- Nationality:Ukraine
- Languages spoken:
- English:С1 Advanced
- German:А1 Elementary
- French :А1 Elementary
- Ukrainian:Native
- Russian:С1 Advanced
- Occupation:Public speaker, Fortune journalist, documentary film producer, Fintech companies advisor, co-Founder and CEO of media group
- You live:Alone
- Availability of an international passport:Yes
- Valid visas:UK
- Countries visited:33+ countries in Europe, Asia, the US, the Middle East, and Latin America
- Places you want to visit: USA, Singapore, UK
- Favorite country? What did you like about it?:
2Physical description
- Weight:49 kg, 108 lbs
- Height:172 cm, 5'7,72'' ft/inch
- Eye color:Gray
- Hair color:Brunette
- Body type:Fit
- The presence of tattoos, if so, which ones:No
3Additional description
- Education:Higher
- Which area of expertise?:Kyiv Institute of International Relations, Taras Schevchenko KNU
- Style of clothes:classic
- Astrological sign:Capricorn
- Do you have any important healthy issues?:no
- Do you smoke?:No
- Do you drink alcohol?:Socially
- Do you want to have children?:Yes
- Do you have siblings?:No
- Car availability (brand):
- Driving license:Yes
- Your first job:
- Your most interesting job:
- Your achievements in life:
- Your strongest character trait:Purposeful, hardworking, I have a calm character
4Your lifestyle
- Your hobbies, interests:I graduated from a music school with a degree in vocals (academic variety), I was engaged in sports and ballroom dancing, I draw, I am interested in jurisprudence, psychology, and marketing.
- Favorite sports (watch):do not watch
- Favorite sports (activity):Swimming, cycling
- Do you play musical instruments?:
- Favorite music:Music lover: pop, indie, rock, jazz, classical
- Favorite book:business, psychology
- Favorite movies:Adventure, melodrama Films with Leonardo DiCaprio
- Favorite perfume:Chanel – Chance, Guerlain – Little dress
- Favorite cuisine, dishes:Italian, Ukrainian, Asian
- Your signature dish:many
- Do you have pets?:No
- Leisure activities:meetings with friends and family
- Favorite flowers and their color:Peonies, lilies of the valley
5Desired partner's description
- Preferred age:27-47
- Preferred height:Taller than me
- Style of clothes:stylish
- Eye color:Any
- Hair color:Any
- Hobbies and interests:development, travel, me
- Preferred country or region:Does not matter
- Lives in a city or countryside?:Doesn't matter
- Languages spoken:
- English:Good
- Character traits (positive and negative)The activity of a man is important, to be interesting, successful, erudite, with whom we will grow and develop together, who can teach me a lot. A man should be a support, support for a girl. The beloved girl is in the first place, and if a man really loves a girl, then he is ready to fulfill all her dreams, to do everything for her. Faithful, caring.
- Describe a perfect day with your beloved man:Day of pleasant surprises
- Are you open to date a man, who has children: 1, 2, 3, moreYes
- He wants children:Yes
- Does his education matter?:Yes
- Are you open to date a man with a tattoo/piercing(except for ears)?:Yes
- Are you open to date African American and Asian man?:Yes
- What is love for you (5 most important words):Care, attention, respect, presents