1Personal information
- Age:39
- Country:United Kingdom
- City:Ipswich
- Marital status:Divorced
- About it:The reason for the divorce was that they could not build a happy family
Children (number):
- Date of birth:26/12/2009 Gender:Female
- Race/Ethnicity:Caucasian
- Did you grow up in a religious family?Yes
- Are you ready to date a man with a different religion?Yes
- Politically you are?:
- Nationality:Ukraine
- Languages spoken:
- English:В1 Intermediate
- Occupation:Financier
- You live:With children
- Availability of an international passport:Yes
- Valid visas:UK visa
- Countries visited: England, Austria, Czech Republic
- Places you want to visit:Spain, France, Canada, USA
- Favorite country? What did you like about it?:
2Physical description
- Weight:60 kg, 132 lbs
- Height:165 cm, 5'4,96'' ft/inch
- Eye color:Green
- Hair color:Brunette
- Body type:Average
- The presence of tattoos, if so, which ones:No
3Additional description
- Education:Higher
- Which area of expertise?:Finance, Universal
- Style of clothes:casual, classic
- Astrological sign:Scorpio
- Do you have any important healthy issues?:no
- Do you smoke?:No
- Do you drink alcohol?:Socially
- Do you want to have children?:Can be discussed
- Do you have siblings?:No
- Car availability (brand):Yes, I have. Nissan
- Driving license:Yes
- Your first job:Accountant in a private company, Accounting. I love my job
- Your most interesting job:
- Your achievements in life:
- Your strongest character trait:Optimism, purposefulness, desire for constant professional and personal improvement. I love life
4Your lifestyle
- Your hobbies, interests:Embroidery, photography, drawing
- Favorite sports (watch):
- Favorite sports (activity):Swimming (2-3 times a week), daily sports exercise
- Do you play musical instruments?:no
- Favorite music: Modern and classical music
- Favorite book:Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov" Chekhov "Stories", Theodore Dreiser "The Financier"
- Favorite movies:
- Favorite perfume:Chanel
- Favorite cuisine, dishes: Italian, lasagna; Ukrainian
- Your signature dish: I like to cook. Borscht, meat
- Do you have pets?:Yes
- Which ones?:dog
- Leisure activities:Sports, hobbies, reading books
- Favorite flowers and their color:
5Desired partner's description
- Preferred age:37-50
- Preferred height:more than 165 cm
- Style of clothes:casual, sport, business
- Eye color:Any
- Hair color:Any
- Hobbies and interests:Almost any hobby is welcome
- Preferred country or region:England, Australia
- Lives in a city or countryside?:Doesn't matter
- Languages spoken:
- English:Medium
- Character traits (positive and negative)Responsibility, success, purposefulness, wisdom, masculinity, kindness
- Describe a perfect day with your beloved man:Shared breakfast on the balcony or in the garden. Definitely sweet coffee. I love sweets in the morning along with good coffee and my beloved man. A joint walk through beautiful picturesque places. Like along the coast. Lunch at a cozy cafe by the sea. In the evening, dinner by the fireplace with good wine
- Are you open to date a man, who has children: 1, 2, 3, moreYes
- He wants children:If a partner wishes
- Does his education matter?:Yes
- Are you open to date a man with a tattoo/piercing(except for ears)?:Yes
- Are you open to date African American and Asian man?:No
- What is love for you (5 most important words):Care, respect, loyalty, happiness, joy